Rants. Tantrums. Kvetching. Bitching. There’s a lot wrong with this world and the Head Bitch needs a forum to vent. If you’ve stumbled onto this page, buckle up and hang on. You may not like or agree with what I’ve got to say. That’s okay. Just remember that little thing called the First Amendment that gives us all the right to an opinion. Happy reading.

Buzzwords are B.S.
Smug and sanctimonious. That’s what I think of the “corporate” twits who use trendy and trite buzzwords. My last boss used the word “cadence” like it was a shiny new toy in his toy box. He’d pull i...
Being a Smart Ass About Seniors and Smartphones.
The thing about smart phones is you have to have some smarts to use them. I’m not talking about intellectual smarts. I’m talking about smarts born from growing up with technology. Which most pe...
Being the Prez Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be.
Back in the day, belonging to my local advertising club meant two-hour lunches and hobnobbing with the stars of our industry. Today, nobody has two minutes to participate. After a two-year stint a...
Why don’t men make the cut?
I see plenty of nice-looking guys. They’ve got cute faces. They’re well dressed. They’re fun and funny. And then I look at their hands (no, not for THAT reason). Specifically, I look at their fing...